

Financial Aid Application

This form must be completed by all students applying for financial aid.

  • Financial assistance is given towards partial or complete coverage of TUITION only
  • Candidates should contact the Admissions Office for deadlines

Information marked with a * must be completed.
SECTION A (for all financial aid applicants): FAMILY AND STUDENT DATA
All ±Ø³Ô´ó¹Ïfinancial aid awards are based on financial need as well as merit qualifications. Therefore, we need full information about the family and personal resources of each financial aid candidate. Use the best figures available to you, and estimate if necessary to meet deadlines. ±Ø³Ô´ó¹Ïexpects the student’s family to contribute to his/her education to the greatest extent possible. Students on aid are also expected to contribute from their own on-campus employment toward meeting the costs of studying at ACT.

Last Name(*)
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First Name(*)
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Middle Initial
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Date of Birth
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Place of Birth
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Country of Citizenship
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Permanent ±Ø³Ô´ó¹Ï Address
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(Street & number)

Post Code(*)
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Permanent ±Ø³Ô´ó¹Ï Telephone #(*)
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(country & area code)

E-mail Address(*)
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Cellular Phone #
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(Country code)

Mailing Address
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Postal Code
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Mailing Address Telephone #
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(country & area code)

Mailing Address Fax Number #
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(country & area code)

Father's Name(*)
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Father's Age
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Father's Occupation
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Father's Employer
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Mother's Name(*)
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Mother's Age
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Mother's Occupation
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Mother's Employer
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Parents' Marital Status
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If you checked "Other" above, please specify
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SECTION B (for all financial aid applicants): FINANCIAL INFORMATION

1. List family’s total annual income IN EUROS (€) (complete if appropriate):

Own Earnings

Last Year’s Income(€)(*)
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Current Year’s Income(€)(*)
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Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)(*)
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Father's Earnings

Last Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Current Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Mother's Earnings

Last Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Current Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Other Income(explain)

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Last Year’s Income(€)
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Current Year’s Income(€)
Invalid Input

Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)
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Last Year’s Income(€)(*)
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Current Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Annual Income Taxes Paid

Last Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Current Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

Forthcoming Year’s Income(€)(*)
Invalid Input

2. The primary source of family income is from:
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3. List average amounts of money – IN EUROS (€) – spent each year by your family for:

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Housing Cost (rent or mortgage, if applicable) :(*)
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School Fees(*)
Invalid Input

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Other(explain) :(*)
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Total :(*)
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4. Does your family employ other people?
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If "Yes", how many:
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In the home:
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In the family business:
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5. How many people, including yourself, are dependent on the family income?
For EACH dependent, complete the following:

Dependent's Full Name Relationship Age
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6. Which persons, including yourself, listed in item 5 are in school or university?

Full Name School name and anticipated graduation year Annual cost of attendance IN EUROS (€) Amount provided by FAMILY IN EUROS (€) Amount provided by INSTITUTION IN EUROS (€)
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7. Do you anticipate any difficulties in your ability to work 5-10 hours per week during the academic year or full time during vacations, including summer?

If so, please explain:
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8. Please write here any comments or explanations regarding the questions above. Also mention any circumstances you feel we should consider in judging the amount of assistance you may need. Examples would be unusual medical expenses, debts, or support of dependents other than those listed above.

Your comments:
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SECTION C (for all financial aid applicants): DECLARATION OF FINANCES

"We declare that the information reported on this form is true, correct, and complete and that we will send timely notice of any significant change in family income or assets, financial situation, college plans of other children or of the receipt of other scholarships or grants."
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WARNING: Providing false information may jeopardize a student’s visa status and/or admissions and financial aid status at ACT.

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17 Sevenidi St.
55535, Pylaia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 398398
P.O.Box 21021
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